Being a doctor entails a great deal of responsibility. As a medical professional, you are expected to uphold a high standard of ethical and moral conduct. This is the basis of your reputation. This could be seriously jeopardized if you are charged with a DWI in Texas. Your medical license could be suspended or revoked for drunk driving.

How can a doctor get their license suspended?

There are a number of scenarios under which your license to practice medicine could be suspended or revoked. Your license could be suspended for malpractice, negligence or general incompetence in the performance of your duties. You could also have your license suspended or revoked for conviction of a criminal offense, immoral conduct or DWI. If you are convicted of a felony, such as if you seriously injured someone while driving under the influence, you can certainly lose your license to practice medicine.

The official grounds for suspension or forfeiture of your license to practice medicine are stipulated by state law and the regulations enacted by the state Medical Board. DWI is definitely a serious offense that could lead directly to your license being suspended or lost if you are convicted more than once.

The importance of getting legal help

There may be grounds to argue against your drunk driving charges. For example, the equipment used to measure your blood alcohol level may have been faulty. The equipment might have been used in a negligent or incorrect manner. You may have other reasons to dispute DWI charges. It may be beneficial to seek the counsel of a lawyer as soon as possible about how to protect your reputation and your career.